MARUSUGI incorporates traditional craftsmanship with modern production technology to produce equally enduring roofing materials that stand the test of time. The brand is well-known for its unique look, exceptional quality and unmatched durability.
MAZARRON is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Terracotta Clay Roof Tiles. Its rich collection of roofing tile modes and colors creates a world of variety and allows for endless inspiration.
What are the advantages of Clay Roof Tiles over Longspan Metal Roofing?
- Superior Aesthetics – Roof Tiles are beautiful. They will definitely achieve the architectural design you desire and will boost the curb appeal of your home as they come in a variety of colors, textures, shapes, sizes, and profiles.
- Durability – They can last up to a century or more, as evidenced by medieval structures across Europe and Japan. You will never have to worry about having a roof replacement in your lifetime.
- Low Maintenance – Roof maintenance is almost non-existent and this lowers the total cost of roof ownership for the life of the roof.
- Weather-resistant – Clay preserves the roof’s integrity with the ability to withstand the harshest weather conditions.
- Environment Friendly – They are a fantastic green option as they are made of natural earth materials, not chemicals, and can be easily recycled once dismantled.
What are the advantages of Clay Roof Tiles over Concrete Roof Tiles?
- Aesthetic Superiority – Textures are finer and more beautifully crafted as they are pressed and molded better.
- Lower Maintenance – They do not discolor. Concrete tiles lose their paint within three to five years and the owner will have to repaint the roof every so often, increasing the total cost of roof ownership during the life of the roof.
How long do they last?
They can reasonably be expected to outlast the building it protects. Some structures in Japan and in Europe have had the same roofing for over a century. In addition, their color can last indefinitely as they are oven-baked at extremely high temperatures.
What is the lead time?
It is never too early to plan. We recommend coordinating with you during the design stage as these tiles will be manufactured and imported especially for you. Lead time from the date of order to the date of delivery is around 60 to 90 days.